Eureka: The Story of O2 (2010)
Season 4, Episode 4
But They are Annoyong...
26 May 2018
The Story of O2 was not a writing victory. The crisis of the week is solid (i.e., there is a youth-built rocket to the moon competition and a problem with local birds) but too many characters are simply annoying for this episode to be a real success. Kevin's teenage angst is turned up to an eleven, Zoe is an ungrateful and selfish college brat, the scientist of the week is loud and grating and not helpful to the plot or amusing to the viewer, and Allison takes a nod back to some of her tendencies toward exceptionally poor's just really difficult to enjoy any of the plot lines due to terribly annoying behavior by the lead characters. ..all but one that is. The Jo and Zane plot line has some interesting developments, but it is hardly worth sitting through the entire episode. Not one of their best.
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