Awesome prequel but a bit confusing
27 May 2018
I enjoyed this film, it's not a disaster at all. Changing director half way through making it didn't seem to ruin the story, although the ending did feel a bit plain. The battle scenes were good, the characters were used greatly, especially Chewbacca and L3 but the villain was a bit plain. For what he did was fine but there could have been more for him to do. The plot twists at the end were confusing. I didn't think it was necessary for two betrayals, Beckett seemed too loyal to lie to Han. Lando was okayish but nothing compared to Chewbacca. The new Han actor was just as good as Harrison Ford.

There should definitely be a sequel to this, there are key parts of a New Hope that weren't used in this film, so maybe a sequel will link how Han met Jabba and Boba Fett and how he ended up on Tatooine, where he met Luke. The ending sure suggests that we will get a sequel, the film didn't feel complete as such. Some of the plot was hard to understand but you could pretty much understand what everyone was meant to be doing. I'd recommend that you see this film, a true Star Wars fan would want to watch it, whether they hated the Last Jedi or not. It's probably better than the Last Jedi in some areas but comparing the two is quite difficult. They both had their strong and weak points. Rogue One was better than both and probably still remains as a brilliant Star Wars film.

Solo A Star Wars Story is a yes to see.
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