Eureka: The Real Thing (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
Three for Three
1 June 2018
One Giant Leap, Lost, and The Real Thing are so very good, and after an uneven season 4, it's wonderful to have Eureka back on top of its game. All the best of Eureka has been combined with an apparent increased CG budget and the result is terrific sci-fi, very funny, and emotional to boot. The non-Astreaus passengers are close to figuring out where the Astreaus went, things are not adding up for all of the Astreaus passengers (they are geniuses after all), and the dissolves between the two realities keep the story moving along. There is even a wicked twist to keep the viewer off guard. To frost the tasty cake that this episode bakes up is a wonderful additional life form that makes a bright and fun appearance. Be sure to binge all three of these episodes together for maximum effect.
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