South Park: The Hobbit (2013)
Season 17, Episode 10
If Looks Can Deceive
1 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

This episode is another one of my honorable mentions, I also feel it's one of the most underrated episodes. For a season finale, it really was something different because for once in the show this is an episode that not all laughs, in fact it's believe or not one of the saddest episodes I've ever seen. I like the fact that this is a Wendy centered episode, which we haven't had in a long time; Wendy is one of my favorite characters in the show, but I feel underrated and hasn't been in the show much lately (much like Wendy in "Gravity Falls"), this was a welcome change of pace.

The only thing I didn't like about the episode was there was this moment with Stan I honestly thought was out of character when he asks to exchange Wendy's photos with the fake ones. I just don't believe Stan would ever do something like that he loves and respects Wendy for who she is, though in his defense like most of the kids in South Park his Achilles heel is he can be easily impressionable by whatever comes around in culture sometimes so Stan was brainwashed. But I honestly felt this was something that could of came out of some random kid in the school or even Butters, and better yet see Stan support and stand up for her which is what the scene should have been.

Other than that, everything else was fine, I really love how Wendy is the voice of reason as we see the girls of her school getting popular for all the wrong reasons, as their altering their photos and sending them marketing it as their identity in which it's really not. This episode obviously darkly and unflinchingly satires on the sensationalist subculture on counterfeit beauty. How it's selling these false notions on what girls and guys are supposed to look like and be. There are lots of stand-up moments seeing Wendy trying to knock some sense into Butters when he goes on about Kim Kardashian being his girlfriend; I thought wow someone doesn't have a subscription to "People" magazine. But that's the point Butter is in love with a fantasy, it's not just that he's never interacted properly with a girl before but has been sold on the wrong idea on what girls are. On a side note I'm not really that attracted to Kim Kardashian, she's not my type. In fact, the looks that are displayed on the magazines or even the actors and actress on the damn CW network is all fake anyway, as most of them have to wear make up before doing the shoot so yeah what your seeing isn't really what you're getting.

There is a moment when Wendy is forced to go to Mr. Mackey. I'll admit some of the bull crap Mackey along with Butters sitting there like the stupid wuss he is, really made my blood magma hot; both have drank six packs of dumb ass lately, though in Butters case he's practically an alcoholic on the stuff. Wendy, we see doesn't take that crap and stands up for herself, I thought good for your Wendy "you have nothing to apologize for, if anything they should apologize to you."

From how things were going it sort of made me want to jack the announcer mike at the school and announce to everyone in that school "Wake up and smell the bull crap!" I really like that monologue that Wendy give in the hallway, it a bit similar to the monologue Hercules gave in an episode "Outcast" (another underrated episode) of "Hercules the Legendary Journeys", thing about both monologues are the truth. Imperfection has always been around since the beginning of time, that's fact that's science so you better get fraking use to it citizens of South Park. You don't like it take a swim down crap creek, that's where you belong. Sorry that sounded bold but the scrutiny Wendy goes though was that bad, sadly there is some truth to that as it's the same as what people like myself and others go through when we don't look right in the eyes of someone or a majority.

To me I don't mind imperfection in fact I like it, if I ever see a slight imperfection on my significant other I honestly still think she's beautiful because that imperfection makes her all the more human. In fact, personally I'm a person that doesn't like perfume and make up, I don't like either of these things it makes that person seem fake. I like a girl that is just all natural that isn't afraid to be who she is inside and out, be you all you. That's one of the reason I love the character Wendy because she has no fear of being herself but also expressing herself and how she feels.

We see her defending not just her rightful beliefs but is really defending the internal beauty of the common man and woman but most of all herself. But unfortunately, her efforts are to no avail, because no one wants to hear and accept the truth, instead all they want to do is blind themselves to beautiful imagery which are all lies.

The episode then has an ending which is one of the most heartbreaking moments ever when Wendy she then does the alterations with her photo and then we see tears in her eyes. My heart just completely sank seeing that, even made me produce a tear you can see this is breaking her heart, she really doesn't want to do this. I was thinking don't do it, your beautiful the way you are inside and out, don't change; but unfortunately, she gives in to the social pressures for sometimes one voice of reason isn't always enough to quell the world going mad.

True beauty exists within your soul, not on a magazine cover.

Rating: 4 stars
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