77 Sunset Strip: Dial 'S' for Spencer (1963)
Season 5, Episode 21
"On you it looks good"
7 June 2018
This episode has Roger Smith and Edd Byrnes being hired by Ellen Burstyn and looking for her brother. Brother Tom Drake proves to be quite elusive and she says he's fallen on hard times. Both Smith and Byrnes are dong their looking in some of the seedier parts of Los Angeles.

The viewer is in for quite a few surprises as things develop it turns out that Burstyn is telling about as much truth to him as Brigid O'Shaunessy was to Sam Spade. Good thing no one was getting romantic with her.

A real nice group of character players make this one a pleasure including Ian Wolfe running a skid row mission and Dub Taylor as a landlord. Best of all is Benny Rubin who is a tailor selling second clothes on skid row. His scene with Edd Byrnes trying on clothes is priceless.
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