Review of Echoes

Echoes (I) (2014)
A Complete Yawn Fest
10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There seems to be a strange misconception among young, wannabe filmmakers that horror films are the easiest genre to tackle in order to get noticed. While this was very much true in the past, nowadays it's not the easy gateway that it once was, primarily because it's nearly impossible to come up with an original idea or a satisfying enough twist on a familiar one to warrant an entire film being made.

Echoes is the kind of flat, uninspired film that only seems to have been made to prove that writer/director Nils Timm could make one. It made no difference to him that it's a massive pile of clichés or that its story makes little to no sense.

The problem is that it will make a big difference to those unfortunate enough to sit through it, for they will be treated to a lazily-written film that has nothing to offer anyone looking for a little bit of thrills and chills. At the very least, viewers will be able to play the "plothole game," where you simply add up the number of inexplicable events as the film goes on, including why someone would build a glass house in the middle of the desert, why this couple would want to go stay there, why Anna would choose to be stranded out in the middle of nowhere in her condition, and many more.

It's not that it's a badly made film, but rather that the screenplay was simply a mess and it's thanks to this lazy and amateurishly-written screenplay Echoes is nothing but a bland horror (if you can call it that) offering that is more likely to bore you rather than give you the slightest chill.

Clichés don't have to be a bad thing if they can be used well, but writer/director Nils Timm seems to be using them whenever possible just because he can't come up with something more original. This leaves us with a film that we feel as though we've seen several time before, concluding with the ultimate insult to the audience in its last few seconds.

This is definitely a film to avoid.
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