Flight HS13 (2016)
Promises much but delivers little.
10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of international TV dramas and don't believe that a different language is an obstacle to enjoying a great story delivered through quality acting. As many have commented this story starts with an interesting premise but descends into a soap opera of contrived plot twists that stretch the story beyond the boundaries of credibility.The initial plane crash/terror plot is never really explored and is written off halfway through as a technical fault ( The cause of the crash that is). Obvious leads to find the "missing" lead actor are left hanging around until nearly the very end before someone acts on them.There is a historic fatal car crash that is presented several times with having some great significance but actually appears to explain why the lead character would entrust the care and supervision his child and "one time?" lover to a very vulnerable old man. There is also a mentally disturbed female character who displays overly sexualised behaviour toward her male therapist, who is supposedly obsessed with her, they have sex but again none of this behaviour was accounted for because in the end she makes a critical plot observation before being shot by mistake.. There was also a relationship between the lead female character and her missing husbands brother that appeared to have been inserted as an excuse for a scene of gratuitous female nudity. I'm no prude but the scene was out of context with anything else we had been shown, and ultimately it didn't lead to anything more than the end of the brief relationship. I appreciate that this is a fictional account but the story and characters should be real enough for the viewer to invest some interest in. The characters keep changing character by pursuing courses of action contrary to how the character has been presented previously. I did soldier on and watch all 10 episodes if only in the forlorn hope that the conclusion would in some way transcend the awful plot and at times, the wooden acting.The 4 stars award is a reflection, that generally I want TV viewers to appreciate that there is so much good television outside of the english speaking world but for every Bridge and Professor T there is a Flight HS13. The only satisfaction I can draw from this series is that the producers and writers had the good grace not to stretch this drama to a second season.
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