So Bad it Should be a Cult Movie
18 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There is honestly sooo much to talk about this movie.

To give a little backstory, this "movie" is adapted from a YouTube series. The YouTube series is one of many shows apart of the "Mermaid Show" community. It was very popular and many people, including 10 year old me, watched it.

The parents of the girls who made this show have connections with the movie business, so naturally they got to have a movie made about their show. But I am not sure if this movie is apart of the show, or just kinda there. The process of making this movie was a mess. I remember the release date being pushed back like two years.

So to get started on reviewing the actual movie, keep in mind that this movie is barley an hour long, but yet it drags sooooo much.

The movie opens up with an advertisement for the girls' tail costume company (which is funny since they don't even use their own product in the film). A lot of this movie is filled with very long underwater scenic shots, I'm guessing they added so many to reach their hour runtime. Also the camera work in this movie is very shaky, and honestly they could've filmed with an iPhone and it would've looked better.

There are two characters in this movie that aren't supposed to be related, but they're twins in real life. One of the twins bleached her hair to make her "look different". I hate to break it to you, but changing your hair does not make you look any different from your IDENTICAL twin.

Plot Line #1 involves a character named Faith. Faith was in the original YouTube series, so I guess they quickly wanted to work her into this movie. They mention that she's an "evil mermaid who's hundred years old" (the exposition on that was very poor). They mention her once like she's going to be related to the plot...but she's never actually brought up again until the very end of the movie (I will talk about that later). She also isn't portrayed like an all powerful mermaid, just a snotty popular girl.

Plot Line #2 involves the brunette twin and this potential love interest that is never seen again (like a lot of things in this movie).

Plot Line #3 involves them getting scales (which is obviously craft glitter) on their bodies. Which, is very strange and it never happens again. So what's the point in mentioning it?

Plot Line #4 involves brunette twin's stereotypical Spanish maid finding some "magical" blue craft glitter outside their house. They seem to make a big deal about it, such a big deal that it's never mentioned again. I guess this and the blue craft scales are trying to beat us over the head with the fact that they're mermaids and they're "weird" or whatever, BUT YOU CAN'T DO THAT IF THOSE PLOT LINES AREN'T GOING TO GO ANYWHERE! These things don't provide a threat or anything, it just poorly tries to "expand" the "mythology".

Plot Line #5 in this movie is the scientists. Believe it or not, this plot line actually goes somewhere (doesn't mean it isn't poorly executed). It's kind of unfortunate that this is the plot line the movie decided to go with, because I personally think Faith being an 100 year old evil ghost mermaid would've been better, but whatever. Anyway, they kidnap the girls and throw them on this house boat. They turn the blonde twin (or maybe the brunette one idk they're basically the same character) into a mermaid and get green goop out of her. The blonde twin jumps off the house boat and swims to get help.

Plot Line #6 ties into the scientist plot line. Basically this one guy has this disabled daughter who wants to be a mermaid and so that's why he arranged the kidnapping of three teenage girls. When the three girls eventually meet him, he gives them a "sorry" and everything is perfectly okay. Soooo.....the girls get kidnapped but it's perfectly fine since he did it for his daughter?? It does not make his actions perfectly okay! The police came but they told them not to arrest him!

I guess I should also mention plot line #7, which is basically a crappy, beat-you-over-the-head PSA about keeping the oceans clean. Sometimes the movie will stop just to beat you over the head with it. It also has the popular douche bags saying they don't care about the ocean while the really good sweet people care.

Oh yeah remember Faith? Well the end of the movie shows her trying to become a mermaid. How did she get the green mermaid goop? Isn't she already a mermaid? Why did the movie all of a sudden forget her backstory?

When it comes down to it, this movie managed to screw so many things up in it's hour runtime. The acting is bland, the PSA is very pushed, there are many plot lines that don't go anywhere, and the characters are all poorly written.

This movie is so bad that I didn't even mention everything wrong with it. You honestly need to see it for yourself for how terrible it is.
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