Paris je t'aime
18 June 2018
I'm sure I am not alone in that I can recall the night of November 13th, 2015.

I, like many others, was first made aware of the happenings in Paris with the report of explosions at the France v Germany game. Initially, there was confusion as to the source of the explosion, with differing news channels making conflicting reports.

From then onward, however, the evening only became darker as the horror grew and the scale of what was really happening became clear. It seemed unimaginable at the time, having gone from the mysterious explosions at the stadium to the sheer devastation at the Bataclan; it seemed like it would never end.

When it inevitably did, the whole world was traumatised. Nobody could have ever expected something so large-scale and harrowing to have occurred in one of the most liberating locations in the world. But in its aftermath, Paris - and the rest of the world - became stronger as a result.

This deeply moving and chilling documentary gives a new perspective to the night of November 13th and the attacks which took place all across Paris. It reminds us how many countless lives these tragedies affected, and encourages us to remain resilient in the face of terrorism.

This is not a documentary to be missed.
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