Ball of Wax (2003)
Stranger things have happened
19 June 2018
I am generally uninterested in watching movies about sociopaths and narcissists, but I found Ball of Wax compelling. I have little interest in horror films with slasher lunatics in the lead role, but this movie defies category and is much more a psychological drama than a horror film, the main character more like Ray Milland in Dial M for Murder than Jack Nicholson in The Shining. What is so unusual about the movie is the way it draws you in to the main character's sick little world, like a warning to be aware that such people are out there. I also found the production values astonishing, given the low budget, and it is a wonder to me that it did not reach more of an audience than The Blair Witch Project, which to my way of thinking was a lesser film in every sense yet enormously popular.
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