Dirty Money: Hard Nox (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Lies almost as much as VW!
25 June 2018
Not a badly presented documentary, but sadly falls short of a true understanding of the car industry. Largely it makes the mistake of using the same sensationalist accusations that the mainstream media have made. Suggestions that driving a diesel VW was somehow killing people is absolutely ludicrous. The reality is that the number of hugely polluting older cars far outweighs the 'damage' done by a newer diesel VW. Not to say that VW weren't wrong for coding their engine calibrations to detect the emissions tests, but the impact has been far, far over blown.

It's clear that VW weren't the only people guilty of this, so why try and draw parallels with Hitler and the Nazi's? The reality is that VW was entirely saved by the Brits after the war, and, rather than translating Hitlers speeches and leaving 'Volkswagen' untranslated to make it sound like he was directly referring to them as a company, translate it to the actual meaning at the time of the speech which is 'Peoples Car'.

Overall, a decently presented, but heavily biased documentary which falls short of correctly understanding the technology behind the issues.
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