Skin Trade (2014)
When you want some interesting bad guys, USE SERBS!
25 June 2018
At first, I was FURIOUS! An another movie about us, Serbian people, and we are nothing but the genocide monsters, the worst people in the world, without any feelings, evil to the core. The worst of the worst. I felt even worse when I read that Dolph Lundgren was the WRITER OF SCENARIO! WOW! Then I got the right perspective. Dolph Lundgren is an actor of the B production movies, which are so boring that you have problem not to fall asleep when you watch his movies. It is always the topic of revenge, or he is simply some Russian soldier, a beating people machine. He makes 20 movies a year, they have so low budget and so low quality. So, when he wanted to write a script, he wanted something new, not about Triads, Russians, mafia, marines,..., so he used... SERBS! We are the punching bag when you want to portrait somebody who is evil, but relatively new in the world of movies. Why not not include some evil Serbian general, who used to make genocides, to kill people for fun, to sell people like slaves,..., why not SPIT SERBIANS!? Really, why not? Travolta and Robert De Niro did that in "Killing seasons" (with a LOT inaccuracies about Serbian, even the name of the main character is not Serbian). Tom Cruise uses us in some of his endless "Mission impossible" sequel. If I remember well, Serbian killed his wife who is alive?!! Clooney and Kidman in "Peacemaker", some member of 3 nations in Bosnia (Muslims, Croatian and Serbs) had to bring the nuke to the UN in NY, to revenge for the foreign meddling in that war. Guess who did they choose to get the nuke to NY? A SERB!!!! Ding, ding, ding. You won the price! As far as I know, Muslims have the tradition to handle with bombs, it is not the Serbian tradition, but how not to blame Serbs? Then even Steven Seagal used Serbians in his endless serial of movies, they are super boring. The only movie which doesn't talk about Serbs as genocide lunatics is Dennis' Quaid "Saviour". The ONLY MOVIE.

So, Dolph didn't do anything which is not seen. And he did it pretty accurately, if we talk about names, and he used one actor to talk (pretty clumsy, but better than anyone before) Serbian words. This movie is totally boring, as any of other Dolph's movies. Even the fighting scenes are in darkness, Tony Jaa was gambling with his great reputation he gained in his GREAT movies, by being included in this SOOOO AVERAGE movie, not worth to watch. A typical revenge movie, without any great action, there were some attempts to make this movie something better than his other ones, by Dolph, but he didn't succeed. A cheap and very superficial movie about the people trafficking, which tries to touch our emotions. No. It didn't worked.
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