Babylon 5: Signs and Portents (1994)
Season 1, Episode 13
And so it begins
27 June 2018
As this episode opens Londo takes delivery of an artefact called 'The Eye'; this is possibly the most important symbol of the Centauri Republic which has been lost for the past hundred years. Soon afterwards Lord Kiro, whose family originally owned The Eye, arrives on the station with his family seer, Lady Ladira. She immediately seems disturbed and states that Babylon 5 will be destroyed. Meanwhile a mysterious character, known as Morden, arrives on the station and asks each of the ambassadors 'what do you want?' If that weren't enough raiders have been attacking shipping again; this time further from the jump gates than should be possible.

This is a top quality episode that sets up plot lines that will ultimately dominate the series. These are introduced in a fine way so that it isn't immediately obvious what will be important and what won't. We can assume Lady Ladira's prophecy's will be among the more important as we see one of them come true... we are told that on Kiro's first birthday he would be killed by 'the shadows'; a cryptic statement to say the least. Morden is a great new character, I certainly hope we see more of him as he is so intriguing. His 'What do you want?' question seems simple but is actually quite profound. Ed Wasser does a fine job in the role. The storyline involving the raiders was interesting and provided the episodes impressive action scenes. Overall I'd say this is a great episode; certainly not one to skip!
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