Fred & Rose: The West Murders
2 July 2018
This lengthy documentary - in three parts - relates the story of one of the most depraved killer couples in the history of serial murder. Serial killers are usually of above average intelligence, if only because in the modern age it takes a certain nous to get away with murder again and again and again. No one ever accused Fred West of being intelligent, street smart for sure, but college material, never.

His second wife, the teenager he corrupted, went on to become at least an equal partner, murdering his adopted daughter by herself while he was in prison. Fred took the coward's way out leaving Rose to stand trial alone; she was convicted on all counts.

If you are familiar with their story, there are a few things herein you will probably not have heard before, and due to Fred West being an inveterate liar, many we will never know for certain. Yes, he did have sex with his own underage sister, but his mother? Yes, he was accused of videoing the rape of one of his own daughters; that charge was never proved, but who can doubt it?

The film-makers speak to everyone concerned from the pathologist to family members; there is archived audio of Fred, and covert audio of Rose. This is the stuff of nightmares. Move over Bundy, someone will be sharing the hottest spot in Hell with you from now on.
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