Art Zeldeau
2 July 2018
Six months ago I walked away from a project that was incredibly important to me: to watch and review every single Sabrina. I was not mature enough back then. I didn't have the commitment; the dedication. In short; I was not a man.

We open with a pretty simple gag. Hilda puts on someone else's sweater and is comically punished for it. Then Sabrina makes the same mistake. Sabrina laments that she can't just have an ordinary life. A theme that permeates the show.

Libby is such a piece of ass. I mean man. Oh man.

Sabrina wants to go to a Violent Femms gig and is joined by Libby, Gordo, Harvey and Hilda and Zelda; who refuse to let her go without them. In order to make them more acceptable to the group; they transform themselves into teenagers.

This episode features an abundance of secondary characters all with their own plot lines. Zelda and Hilda are forced to confront the ageing process. Sabrina is confronted with peer pressure. Libby see's the dark side of idolatory and so on. An episode like this needs very careful management to ensure that each plot line is given its deserved share of screen time. For the most part the episode is successful in this regard.

Zelda and Hilda learn to have a little more empathy for Sabrina and the challenges of adolescence. I spelled adolescence correctly on the first try and will now do the same with schizophrenia. Straight out of the park.

This episode is home to one of the most surreal scenes I've ever seen in a Sabrina show. The band randomly breaks out in song for no reason and everybody stops what they are doing and dances. A strange folk like dance. The kind of dance you do on Harvest day. Its merry, familial, childish and a little disconcerting. With some hand held jovial shots. You can almost picture the cameraman dancing just as hard as the cast.

Its made all the stranger by the fact that the music is real. The band is real. Our universe is bleeding into her universe of pure fantasy. There is no dialogue. No jokes. Its Sabrina Vérité and it all looks like it would be more at home in an Acid laced student film of the 1960's than evening network television.

The way Hilda and Zelda scream when they realise they have changed back to normal but are still in teenage clothes is over acted but the crowd absolutely loved that joke in particular. You can actually discern five or six people in the sound mix; each individually writhing with laughter.

Its really odd. I actually remember this episode completely differently. In my . memory, and I'm being completely genuine, Sabrina and Libby end up in a hotel room alone with the Violent Femmes. Libby starts getting pressured into sex and its up to Sabrina to stand up for her friend and stop her doing something she'll deeply regret. I still remembered the joke about the band loving Ren and Stimpy. That memory is completely accurate. Many years, two foreign languages, a degree and a failed relationship later I can't remember the plot outline. But I remember that the band loved Ren and Stimpy. That just makes me despair.

Over all I had a blast with this one and I'm giving it an 8/10. I can't believe I'm back. I can't believe I'm back. I can't believe I'm back.
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