Good Doctor (2013)
Hit and miss
4 July 2018
Found this intriguing using the premise of a doctor who is autistic, whether this could happen in reality is debatable. The actor who played the autistic doctor played it quite well with the facial and body movements, as I've met an autistic child with those mannerisms. It's described in this series as a disbility, but in many cases it has been shown that autistic people have an excellent retentive memory. The miss for me was on the romance front, how can the autistic doctor have a love romance with the female doctor, as it clearly states in the storyline that hehas a mind of a 10year old child!! Yes, I could accept that it would be something along the lines of maternal relationship, which, unless I misunderstood, this was suggested by the autistic doctor when he was confused by his feelings. No, very disappointed with the ending, thought the female doctor was better suited to someone like her boss or someone similar.
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