Fun short that's light on story but rich in nifty Halloween-themed imagery!
4 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I enjoyed this short a lot, I found it to be a real little blast and it really worked for me. It features Internet personality and allegedly not very nice human being Logan Paul as a young guy in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume who's working late one Halloween Night in an impressively decorated gothic Halloween store and who makes the grave mistake of breaking one of the mysterious cardinal rules of the sinister joint when he falls asleep and fails to leave and close the place before midnight, at which point it's like the store itself comes alive to attack him as the ghoulish menagerie of costumes, prop skeletons and creepy puppets spring to life to give chase, he tries to find safety in a storeroom only for a fresh horde of vicious Halloween goodies to come spilling out of their boxes and presumably devour him alive, because the next thing it shows the morning after is his bloody skeleton decorating the front of the store alongside what must have been other careless employees who sadly neglected to obey the rules... I love this short's visuals, the store obviously had a lot of effort put into it and it just gives off that fun Halloween vibe just to look at it. I know with shorts this tiny it's best not to linger on the small stuff, but it does beg the question of what manner of being owned the store and how they were able to keep it in business as well as keep finding new employees! I also decided that I liked this short because it gave me a rare genuine chill when the puppet doll thingy stood up by itself, ugh, nothing gets me quite like a killer puppet! I thought this was one of the better horror shorts from Crypt TV that I've seen so far, I enjoyed how much was put into the practical effects and how it gets intense so quickly, and it was a nicely festive fun little Halloweeny short that's well worth checking out. X
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