Black Mirror: White Christmas (2014)
Season 2, Episode 4
Probably the most nonsensical ending I've seen on this show.
4 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What exactly is the point of punishing Potter's cookie? What happens to the actual guy now? It isn't explained.

Also, by putting Matt on the sex offender "block" list and having him blocked by everyone, you are effectively giving him a death sentence. A death sentence for what? Not reporting a murder, or watching sex tapes? I mean it's messed up, but the police decide to sentence him to "YOU SHALL NEVER SPEAK TO ANYONE AGAIN EVER!!!" for what reason, exactly? It's stupid. This episode is stupid.

Going back to the bit about Potter's cookie, I get that the idea is supposed to make you consider the morality whether or not it's okay to mistreat advanced AI, but that moral argument is overshadowed when you punish Matt, an actual person who did something much less serious with (essentially) death. While not punishing actual Potter at all. Cool, you're punishing a copy of his brain by making him listen to a song a few billion times but you're doing nothing to the actual guy while killing Matt for no reason.

It's stupid. The ending completely takes away from the cool moments and concepts in the episode.
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