Review of Delenda Est

Andromeda: Delenda Est (2003)
Season 3, Episode 11
Rommie is kidnapped
6 July 2018
As this episode opens Dylan is discussing the results of his latest physical examination with Andromeda when suddenly the screen shows his final farewell to his fiancée. Meanwhile Rommie and Harper see a cat, a species that is long extinct. Then some sort of vortex appears and Harper is nearly pulled into it. Dylan summons the crew and it becomes apparent that Rommie is missing. She is battling beings that have materialised on board; eventually they overwhelm her and take her away. Luckily she contains a tracking device so the crew set off to get her back before it is too late.

This was a better than average episode. The aliens, which we first saw in the final episode of the second season, are suitably menacing; I like that we still know very little about them. The scene where they kidnap Rommie is a lot of fun as we see her fighting off a large number of them before finally being taken. The rescue operation was entertaining, providing some enjoyably banter between Tyr and Dylan. The cast does a solid job; I particularly enjoyed Lexa Doig and Keith Hamilton Cobb's performances as Rommie and Tyr. Overall a solid story with plenty of good action.
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