Review of Monster X

Monster X (2017)
Unpolishable turd...
10 July 2018
After the film-crew and the ill-briefed neighborhood of the producers were forced to gave this 'home-brew' an excellent rating on IMDB, the real reviews are coming in... While they probably ment to produce a one and a half hour long movie, only one hour of the shot footage eventually saw the editing room. The rest they HAD to throw away, it really was that bad... The acting, the story, the makeup, audio, continuity and the all-round technical quality....everything is just so remarkably low budget and so poorly executed it should only be shown in the living room from the director's family. Looks like they had a budget of about $30.000 and at the end, when they had about 10.000 left they thought: let's throw worse money after bad on promotion and a nice DVD-cover. The cover is actually not that bad.... I could wish the producers of this turd good luck but the'll probably don't know what to do with it... All in all, avoid like the plaque when you at least expect to have an hour of entertainment.
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