The Road Trick (2017– )
Handsome, charming, talented... and utterly devoid of humility, respect, or depth.
11 July 2018
Adam Trent is undoubtedly a very talented magician, and the concept of him travelling around Europe using his tricks to befriend locals into sharing some of their culture is a sound one.

Unfortunately, his ignorant and entitled manner very quickly started to grate. He personified much of what pisses people off about Americans overseas, with his repeated acts of disrespect and general assumption that he could do whatever he wanted, regardless of local custom or regulations (or even basic good manners).

He also quickly became uncomfortably creepy around the young females he encountered, and on one occasion early in the series he even asked the cameras to stay behind as he walked off into the distance with a pretty young blonde, with the obvious intention of bedding her.

I didn't watch much further than that, so I can't say whether the series improved, or if he managed to learn anything valuable on his travels. But from his extremely high levels of self-confidence and undisguised conviction that he was fully entitled to get whatever he wanted (so long as he badgered and pestered people enough to get it) I would be very surprised if he gained anything from his journey except a further belief in his own greatness.

Handsome, charming, talented... and utterly devoid of humility, respect, or depth.
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