This movie is clever and emotionally smart with three great performances from the leads.
11 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At the start of the movie it seems like a post-apocalypse survival tale. But that is not what this movie is. It very slowly reveals itself. I think people should would best enjoy the movie if they discover the surprise of what this movie is really about. It is really well written, acted, and directed. (Brief post viewing content below) . . . . . . . The movie is an allegory for a relationship. The while they are in the wilderness the woman is taking care of the man by doing domestic duties like providing food. The man tells her of about better future. A future the man has no idea how to actually provide. It's just a story he tells. Hardship ensues and the man is able to find a poor facsimile of the future he's promised, but it's good enough as a temporary fix. As they become more comfortable in their new surroundings the man ignores his mate, and distracts himself by finding interest in the recordings of other peoples lives. While the man is distracted the woman is wooed by a mysterious stranger. A stranger she literally brings life to. But the relationship with the stranger is toxic and abusive. The man saves his partner from the toxic stranger and the couple head out into the wilderness to find the future the man has promised.
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