The 100: Sic Semper Tyrannis (2018)
Season 5, Episode 9
Season 5 continues to impress me!
11 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What an episode, the character development continued nicely giving us a closer look into where the characters loyalty lies. I really am not enjoying Octavia as a character anymore i feel she is turning into a character that is reminiscent of Pike, the killing without thought and everyone is wrong to have any thought thats against her. I think she needs to see that sometimes war isn't the way to find peace and its annoying she cant see that but it keeps the story going although i feel like it may end with Octavia losing her life. Otherwise an amazing episode i'm glad that Madi has been given the Flame i feel this could come back in further episodes and split up Wonkru with some old grounders following Madi as she has the spirits of the commanders with her which could help to get peace with Diyoza. This most likely wont happen as i see Octavia going straight to war and Clarke not allowing Madi to go bad near Wonkru. Can not wait for future episodes and what it holds for the series!
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