Law & Order: School Daze (2001)
Season 11, Episode 22
School shooting
13 July 2018
Jerry Orbach and Jesse Martin catch a truly heart breaking case of a school shooting where four are killed and eleven wounded. A school psychologist may have given the detectives too much information when they zero in on Timmy Reifsnyder as the kid who dressed like a ninja and sprayed the cafeteria with automatic weapon fire.

Reifsnyder is a truly pitiable and bullied kid and sadly the episode wasn't slanted to be more sympathetic to him. Back in the day that could have been me. I could not believe how bloodthirsty Angie Harmon was in this episode.

Former second chair Carey Lowell showed up and there was a real antagonism between her and Angie Harmon. She was Reifsnyder's defense attorney.

The young man came from a good background and the parents Robert Ernest Lunney and Mia Dillon become of different minds in regard to Reifsnyder. In the end Lunney shows great strength of character.

The law has not caught up to deal with these situations. Partly because of our wonderful gun lobby. In my day there was not the easy access to guns. Some of us senior citizens could have been Reifsnyder back in the day had there been available weaponry. And bullying for all concerned was some kind of rite of passage. Still is to some troglodyte minds.

This story will give you a lot to think about.
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