Strikingly beautiful romance
13 July 2018
I cannot properly review this without discussing the plot... but discussing the plot would involve major spoilers. So the option left is to review the presentation... which is superb.

One cannot really dwell on the concept of the film because there are too many paradoxes to fit comfortably into a box. Focusing on such would be like picking apart a folk tale. Instead, we simply accept what happens and don't worry too much about the details.

If we focus on the far more important presentation of the story itself, this brings us to writing, directing, acting, imagination and presentation... all of which are superb. Parts are funny, parts are heartwarming, parts will very likely bring the viewer to tears. That's quite an accomplishment all in one film.

The actors do a terrific job of presenting the parts they portray, both in character and in stages of their relationship-- which in this story requires quite a bit of acting versatility. The sets are simple and common-place. There re no special effects, no apparent CGI, no action or chase scenes. The entire movie is carried simply by story and acting. It is both captivating and moving.

A unique vehicle appears in this film: a simultaneous climax and anticlimax. One will have to actually view the film to understand how this works-- and how well it's done in this vehicle. There aren't many films which have such opportunity, but when it works it works-- and in this film it works very well.

One of the best romances I've seen... which is saying quite a bit since it is totally off the wall. Not recommended for those who "over-think" plot lines. But if you have a sense of romance and appreciate a well-presented story, if you love a movie with heart, this is highly recommended. I would watch it again-- which is the best praise I can give any film.
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