This is Congo (2017)
Mundane horror, boldly and beautifully shot
14 July 2018
Congo, abused by first the European colonialists, and then by the multinationals, has been caught in a seemingly endless cycle of brutul civil war for decased now, a scramble for mineral wealth in the absence of legitimate authority. 'This is Congo' offers us a portrait of the country, that shows both its beauty, and the mundane horror of the fighting, the latter filmed from remarkably close to the action. One gets a sense that the grievances on both sides are probably true, yet none of the heroes are worthy of that word. Away from the fighting, we also get a glimpse of how ordinary people live - and I'd have preferred to see more of this, about how people actually manage their everyday lives while war is going on around them. But it's still an informative portrait of what it actually means to live in a country usually prefaced by the adjective "war-torn", although it's one that offers few signs hope.
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