15 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
On the plus side, the soundtrack is by George Clinton which gives the film that "Miami Vice" feel. On the remote island nation of Blackbeard Island U.S. Marines who guard the embassy are disappearing...being kidnapped by ninjas who dress all in black and never stand out. Two Rangers are called in to replace the marines and find out what is going on, Curtis Jackson (Steve James) and Joe Armstrong (Michael Dudikoff) who contrary to his anme fights with his feet.

The movie is 80's corny. The fight scenes are over choreographed and done to music that makes the fighting "light" in nature. No one owns a gun so they all fight ninja style. I enjoyed the film as a campy look at the 1980's. As a stand alone film, it is passe.

No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
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