All the money in the world
17 July 2018
I count myself as fortunate that I have visited the Getty Museum in LA.I knew the Getty were rich but here is a museum with valuable artwork and it was free. Of course J Paul Getty fixed it like this so he would get tax exemptions.

This documentary looks at three generation of Getty's and their interest in the art and business world as well as their complex family dynamics. Some of the Gettys barely knew each other as J Paul Getty had children from 5 wives.

Yet the family have been generous if controversial benefactors to the art world. The Getty Museum has the financial wealth to hoover up valuable pieces of art, wealth acquired from the sale of Getty Oil in the mid 1980s.

This documentary has the knack of being a PR blurb for the Getty family. The price for the involvement of Gordon Getty who is the composer son of J Paul Getty and Mark Getty, the founder of Getty Images and grandson of J Paul Getty. Gordon states at one point that he had no idea that his father was the richest man in America.

I did it find it interesting enough. It tells you how rich Americans looked to Europe in the 1930s to buy masterpieces on the cheap, families sold art to raise cash to escape Germany. J Paul Getty acquired knowledge of famous artists, their styles before he acquired his first Ruben at an auction.

The documentary also delves into the kidnapping of Paul Getty, Mark's brother and you can sense how he is still haunted by what happened to his brother.

In the 1980s J Paul Getty jr, the English based son and father of Mark would become a benefactor in his own right. He donated to keep the Three Graces in the UK rather than be sent to the Getty Museum in the USA. Mark Getty is an avid collector of modern art himself and now raises funds for the National Gallery just likes his father used to.
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