Cop Mortem (2016)
If only someone wrote an acceptable screenplay for this
30 July 2018
The idea was good, the story itself is okay; for this kind of a movie. What kind? A B movie. This was intended to be a B movie. It must have been. And this isn't a problem. This could have been a simple, but nice and enjoyable movie, much better than what it is.

The main problem is what is spoken by the characters. The lines are so unrealistic, that only Anger and Ganxsta could make them sound like someone would say the same in real life. But even they couldn't make it always work, and this simply ruined the whole movie. Why couldn't the characters have something to say that you'd expect from them? Why couldn't there be more real place names, instead of just saying 'in a club' or 'his apartment'?

The answer for the second is, that József Kovalik is a stuntman, who played in American movies, and wanted his movie to have a bit of American feeling; or to mostly have that feeling. But he made his movie in Budapest, with Hungarian actors speaking Hungarian, so that didn't work.

The car chase at the hideout - an abandoned soviet army base, as it's called in the movie - nearly reached Cobra 11 heights, which means it was undeniably European. And this is the second biggest problem: denying what it is and attempting to seem like something that it is not. Why couldn't it be more Hungarian and less americanish?

So in conclusion, I had hoped I could like the movie. There were actually some good scenes in it, but the two problems I listed made me feel sad, because I was constantly thinking about what a missed opportunity this movie is. It could've been at least enjoyable.
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