Poltergeist (2015)
This film is absolutely atrocious!
1 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with the cast is terrible! Nobody has any chemistry and you get no real sense of actual family life. I didn't get one feeling of a connection between anyone or actual decently acted sorrow, fear, desperation etc etc. I think the weakest role was that of the mother. In the original she shines through beautifully and you get such a lovely mother/daughter relationship. You can see the chemistry in the original between the mother and father and they actually look in love, where as in this it's incredibly stale.

I like Sam Rockwell but this is definitely not the role for him! He feels very much out of place and we know he is capable of so much more. It's a real shame because Craig T Nelson was fantastic as the father and really felt like a man trying his best to do what he could for his family.

As usual the CGI is crap and unnessacary, it adds nothing to the film and gives away far too much. They show way way to much of the other side and I really think it was used as a crutch for all the action.

There's very little music, it's photography is boring and leaves no impression.

They have changed so many good aspects about the original, like the fact that the spirits were infact innocent people who had reached out to Carol Anne because of her ability. The brother some how felt like the main character of the film and took again away the connection between the parents and thier youngest daughter. The scene with the boy's braces worked so well in the original and the moving chairs etc. We lost all of that in this crappy remake

The action scenes are awful and they showed their hand immediately by making the house seem scary and eery to the son. I don't see how you can make a bog standard beige house scary just by hasving cuboards, trees and hall ways but that's what they have attempted.

It's crap! really not worth watching and it left you not giving a damn about what happened to any of them.
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