Review of Fishing Naked

Fishing Naked (2015)
Tries too hard, constructs too much
6 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watched the film thanks to the enthusiastic reviews left on Amazon.

However, I can not recommend it. I have no beef with the visuals and the budget, it was more than expected and more than sufficient. It is the actors and the script. The acting varies greatly, both with actors and scenes. None of the developments feel natural or logical. The (spoiler alert!) heat developing in the outside world caused by an obvious prank is neither explained nor shown enough; it just doesn't make sense. The parallel Alien story is not satisfying either, even though I found both creature and orbs convincingly done for a movie of this budget. Also liked how the used darkness to cover the cgi-helicopters.

The main issue: a movie like this can't and should't compete with big budget actors or cgi, but should outweigh them by providing clever and (being without pressure to be a universally accepted movie) less agreeable humor. And this one doesn't. The humor is largely bland and superficial.
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