Hell Girl (2005–2006)
Quite a good horror anime
6 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, I thought this was going to be a sorta comparison to Death Note or even Hear They Cry, it's way far from it. It's where a girl who has had a bad past, decides to take up as Hell girl and whoever wants revenge, she does the rest to kill them with misery.

I have to say, the first episode is pretty tense with a young girl being tormented by the bully girls. Although it was slow for Hell Girl to be able to get the work going and like as the episode moves on, you do get to see the sweet revenge in development. I wanna say, it was actually quite satisfying to see the bullies get a taste of their own medicine, although it's better for real to just punish them with serious light discipline rather then have the pits of fire nvolved lol!

On the last episode, I nearly was upset by the fact a young girls mother was killed in a car accident and was suppose to take hell revenge on her father, because it was meant to be his fault that it happened to her. Hell girl begged the young girl to untie the doll in order to get the revenge going but the young girl decided that it can't happen. I mean watching the scene would really tear you up to the core, it was hard to watch a little girl and her father to break down. Even thinking about it now makes my eyes watery lol

Really good anime, I'm impressed by it and its thrill!
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