"Alternative Medicine" and anti-vax flat earth quackery
7 August 2018
Starts out with what we all know, that no country has found a way to properly fund actual full medical care (because potential costs are infinite) and then uses that to build fallacious arguments for "alternative medicine" which has a deservedly bad reputation as debunked quackery and is now getting rebranded as "integrative medicine."

The right has anti science nonsense, but he left ha its equal share this is a prime example. Sorry but there is NO "western" or "eastern" medicine just as there is no "eastern" or "western science. there is science and there is nonsense. In the case of medicine, there is only scientifically proven, evidence-based medicine supported by solid data OR unproven medicine, for which scientific evidence is lacking. This 'documentary" is a sales pitch for the latter. Bring a shovel with you to see this -- the horsehockey is waist deep.

By the way the way the other review is by a noted pathetic and despicable anti-science vaccine skeptic.

This is all about abetting stealing from at risk persons with health problems by snake oil sale people with nonsense that never passes peer review.
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