Tucker Carlson Tonight: Episode dated 14 August 2018 (2018)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Digest of August 14, 2018
14 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Netroots Nation convened recently to promote its agenda of progressive political activism. Tucker raised the question of what is its actual platform? Based on such political wannabes as Cynthia Nixon and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the direction they are promoting for the Democrats is much further to the left in the area of socialism. Their rhetoric deploys the buzz word "racism" in some form without focusing on practical solutions. Tucker spoke with Dana Perino about Elizabeth Warren who may be a 2020 presidential candidate, yet is conflicted in addressing parochial concerns within her Massachusetts constituency. Is she really viable presidential material?

Tucker discussed European immigration policies with former British Independent Party leader Nigel Farage, who spoke about the disastrous policies of Sweden. One of the problems is that the Swedish press offers one-sided coverage in support of government policies. The result is that Sweden has changed more drastically than any other European nation. The flood-gates have opened, and there is a self-loathing on the part of the Western nations who refuse to support their own citizen bodies.

Victor Davis Hanson joined Tucker to discuss why so many immigrants in America are on food stamps. The main issue covered was how babies born on U.S. soil to illegal immigrants automatically become citizens. Hanson indicated that this was a throwback to the 14th Amendment following the Civil War. But it is now makes no sense with an enormous double standard in giving illegal immigrants a free pass even with the use of phony identification.

The "red tide" ecological disaster in South Florida is a run-off that has afflicted the environment around Lake Okeechobee. The expert who appeared on the program indicated that the problem was known since last October, but nothing has been done about it. The red tide has been gradually moving north, to the mouth of Tampa Bay.

Tammy Bruce joined Tucker to discuss Antifa. Tammy raised the question of just how many "white supremacists" have actually been showing up to the recent events in Washington, D.C. and Charlottesville? CNN's Chris Cuoma defended Antifa without identifying any of the white supremacists. The platitude he used was "fighting hate is right," but he offered no evidence of the source of the hate. Tammy observed the precedents for this kind of justification of violence in the past, including Nazi Germany. Is this another instance of current events being misrepresented by the MSM for the purpose of advancing a political agenda?

Up for reelection in Minnesota's 5th congressional district, Rep. Keith Ellison has been accused of domestic violence. He is the current deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee. Yet this story has not been presented in much of the MSM
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