Angel: A New World (2002)
Season 3, Episode 20
Connor's Return
17 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "A New World", after entering Earth's dimension, Connor is out to kill his father. After a brief skirmish with Angel, Connor runs off into the streets of LA. Angel cannot follow due to it being daylight. Connor meets a new friend, a junky named Sunny. Connor defends her from her drug dealer and ends up chopping off the man's ear. One of the dealer's thugs ends up dead. Connor & Sunny take refuge in a flophouse where Sunny accidentally ODs. A distraught Connor wants vengeance on the drug dealer Tyke. Angel shows up to try to console the scared teenager. Tyke and his gang also show up to kill Connor. The cops aren't far behind, looking for the murderer from earlier. Angel saves Connor's life by taking a shotgun shell to the back. Connor runs off again and reunites with now a much older Holtz.

While all of this is happening, the rest of the gang has their own subplot going on. Lorne finds an expert to close the dimensional tear that was created when Connor broke through. Something else might have snuck through as well. Groo is starting to show signs of jealousy towards Angel whenever Cordy brings him up. Lilah offers Wesley a job at WR&H.

There's really a lot to like regarding the direction Season 3 is heading as we near the finale. Wes's future seems completely up in the air. Fred seems like she wants to reach out but Gunn continues to shut her down. The romantic triangle that was briefly in the balance adds another element to the complicated relationships at stake within the gang.

Connor seems to be a bit brainwashed by Holtz. We've yet to find out what exactly Holtz has told him other than that Angel is a vampire who killed Holtz's family and that he needs to be killed. But he seems extremely confused by Angel's good-naturedness and his selflessness in protecting Connor. What Holtz will tell them as the two reunite is intriguing.

While nothing about this episode was spectacular (although it did have some good action sequences), it was an important building block to move forward with.

Oh also, I need to note that the CGI of Connor on top of that bus is laughably atrocious. I really could have done without that.
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