Review of We Faw Down

We Faw Down (1928)
Their Best
17 August 2018
Of all the L&H features and shorts, "We Faw Down" has to be the funniest of all. It is non-stop comedy, with one sight gag after another and each one funnier than the one before it. It is directed by the King of Comedy Directors, Leo McCarey, and some of the gags contained in this one reappear in future L&H films in later years. I can tell you one because it is the premise of the story; just as in "Sons Of The Desert", the boys cook up a pretext to escape from their wives, only to be discovered via a natural disaster. The other is used in "Blockheads", but I won't give it away. You can also see Bess Flowers as Stan's wife, who holds the record for most film credits with 825. If you have an opportunity, "We Faw Down" is not be missed. And it's a silent! Shown at Capitolfest, Rome NY, 8/18.

9/10 - Website no longer prints my star rating.
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