The Festival (2018)
Avoid at all costs
17 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this one at my local cinema this evening, not expecting a great deal from one of the head honcho's behind the flawless Inbetweeners & arguably the weakest of the 4 main cast. But I gave it a go regardless and my fears were realised almost immediately.

I knew I was going to hate this movie from the get go, with the opening 60 seconds ripping off THAT scene where Will McKenzie finally gets to bed Charlotte. Terrible start, seen it all before, it was only funny the first time.

From here on Its forced gag after forced gag, leaving excruciatingly awkward moments after the jokes fall flat, knowing full well those churning out the lines are regretting putting pen to paper on a contract. The acting for the first half of the movie from the relative unknowns is at best, abysmal. Poor Joe Thomas churning out a performance which is EXACTLY that of 'Simon', it's hard to see how he will ever do anything else. Seemingly destined to be typecast forever, never shaking the Inbetweener tag.

Anyway I'd had enough after he crawled through the crowd & got pissed on. I walked out after barely 40mins. The first time I have ever done this in my life.

A painfully unfunny movie, from what looks like a script that was dragged from the bin under the title Inbetweeners 3. Can't wait to read others reviews after the coming weeks, if this film doesn't bomb & sit in the £5 and under bin at your local Tesco's by Christmas I'll be shocked.

Avoid this disaster, save your cash.
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