Modern Day Religious Propaganda
22 August 2018
I dare anyone to try to find the difference between the message being portrayed in this film and the same message spouted in christian documentaries that discourage pre marital sex.

The film is actualy very well thought out, shot and put together, so I need to give them credit where credit is due. However, halfway through watching I realized the talking points were becoming eerily familiar to the point I had to check IMDB to see if I was indeed watching a religious film. The overall message throughout the film is the devaluation of sex - women are depicted as being weak and submissive and men are portrayed as having no self control. However the message is not conveyed under the veil of religion, but instead through the thoughts of feminist scholars all of which show no understanding of youth culture and instead base their findings on what they see on TV or hear in music.

The film, in its oddly scientology-esque conclusion featuring a cinematic shot of a little boy playing in the ocean leaves you to question where "love" falls into what the filmmaker thinks is a "new sexual revolution" rather than an evolution of the free love movement hippies were pushing as far back as the late 60s. Kids aren't looking for love at this age - they are looking to explore. Hopefully we as adults can empathize with them, and not forget where we came from.
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