The Adventures of Francie and Josie - 1962 to 1965
27 August 2018
In addition to the reviews I have already done about the very funny TV series of "The Adventures of Francie and Josie", played by the two famous and very popular comedians, Jack Milroy and Rikki Fulton, I have just remembered the content of a few more of the episodes, even though I am unable to match them up with the titles of any of the episodes listed on IMDB - perhaps other users could help with this. The third episode I remember was where Francie and Josie go on holiday to somewhere in the Near East - I think it might have been Cairo.

What I think transpired was that they were mistaken for two international criminals and wrongly thrown into an Egyptian jail. As well as the thought of being handed over to the "Interpols", I remember Francie telling Josie that he had forgotten to cancel the milk and they both started crying, as they imagined all the bottles that would have piled up during their holiday. The fact that they were going to be in jail for a very long time, made the thought of piled high milk bottles made our two comical friends cry even louder.

I think what later happened was that a visitor had smuggled them in a bomb, so that they could blast themselves out of jail.

They had put the bomb next to the wall under one of the jail benches, and the Police Chief, wearing a posh white suit and a fez, comes in and sits on top of it.

'For catching you two bad people,' he says, 'I have been recommended for high promotion. You are now looking at a man who is going up in the World.'

At that very moment, the bomb explodes, and the Police Chief goes "up in the World" alright. You then see him sat on the bench all covered in soot and his posh white suit is now all dirty and in tatters. To match this, his fez now looks like a tin can with the lid open.

With that, Francie and Josie make their escape, with more comic results.

The fourth episode that I remember was where Francie and Josie visit two of their friends, who our two characters believe to be the perfect married couple. However, unbeknown to them, when the couple are on their own, they argue like two people who really hate each other.

'Josie will say "Well, hal lar there, my sweet kitten,' the wife says, before our two friends arrive, 'and Francie will gi'e us a box of chocolates and for the entire visit he will hover over them, until I gi'e him the contents o' the whole box.'

Needless to say, the married couple are not the perfect happily married couple that Francie and Josie believe them to be. Also, they are not as welcome as they thought themselves to be - the wife being the least glad to see them.

Francie and Josie arrive and act in the same way that the wife had anticipated, with Josie saying his; "Well, hal lar there" bit, and Francie gives her a box of chocolates and hangs avariciously over them, expecting to share the contents.

During the course of the evening, our two friends say they have arranged a slot for them on a TV Game Show for perfect married couples - a sort of Scottish version of "Mr. and Mrs." - and of course, when they appear on the show, and after the first question they are asked, they start fighting and arguing with each other.

The episode finishes with Francie acting as a frustrated and embarrassed diplomat, tries to convince the shows' host that they are not usually like this.

'Och, they're really very happy,' he says. I think out of the two characters, it is Francie (played by Jack Milroy) that seems to have the funniest things to say: and although Josie (played by Rikki Fulton) has a few funny things to say as well, he sometimes acts as the "straight man", feeding Francie his lines - a sort of Scottish version of Bud Abbott of "Abbott and Costello" fame.
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