Settle down, people...
28 August 2018
Sad that we still have people today who can't handle even the insinuation of homosexuality... aren't we past this archaic thinking by now? And the show is "inspired" by the books, not a word-for-word copy. Did you all complain about every other plot point that wasn't in Montgomery's novels? There have been many!

This was a beautifully-done episode, especially with those elaborate set designs, and actually seems accurate to the time. Despite what one reviewer here believes, nobody was ever executed for being gay in Canada, and any related laws only applied to men (and were rarely enforced). Finally, representation does not equal an agenda; that is just a reflection of one's own views and prejudices. I enjoyed this episode very much, partly because I viewed it with an open mind, and didn't worry myself over how it related to the books. It's called artistic license.
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