They have forgotten the face of their fathers..
28 August 2018
Those who tried to turn The Dark Tower series by Stephen King into a movie, have forgotten the face of their fathers. They did not aim with their hearts..

Hopefully some day the King's magnus opus will get the remake(s) it deserves. With enough time, attention and heart to explore its full, rich potential in depth and spirit.

I believe Idris Elba could have worked and I'm wondering what happened.. Did the director fall asleep? Did he not see the big flatline? McConaughey could've worked too, but.. when all is hollowed out, what conquest is left to be made.. There is no Darkness, no White here..

We're left to watch a cheap, commercial flimsy pumped up with some action. Nothing but another typical hollow, hollywood cliche production. Have they not read the books? King's inspirations? Serge Leone's masterfully directed spaghetti Westerns to name just one of many...

If you're into a fast and simple movie snack, go for it. Otherwise, I urge you to read the books. They are more than worth your time and investment! Engaging, enlightening magic from a true wordslinger!
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