Review of Beulah

Beulah (1950–1953)
Racist Propaganda Show From a Racist Era.
30 August 2018
Hollywood always has been and continues to be the most racist institution in modern history. Beulah is one of many films propagating black mental and physical subjugation, and white supremacy like so many others from 1930 - 1990. This subliminal technique reinforces racist stereotypes of African Americans and White Americans.

Based on this and a litany of similar films, all white Americans were once perfect families and all African Americans were poorly educated servants who's value in society was defined by the status and morals of the people they serve. The damage these covert white supremacy films caused is unquestionable. As children watched this and similar shows their sense of supremacy (white) and low self esteem (black) was being fed and cultivated for generations. Each person saw society's expectation of them in this and similar shows. Who recalls other stereotype characters such as "Huggy Bear" and "Rooster?" Look them up if you do t know who they are. The show "Beulah" is just as harmful.

All of the lipstick on Earth cannot beautify this stereotypical pig of a propaganda film. The damage this film does to the dreams and self esteem of African Americans like me is beyond measure. Add to it the damage it does to white Americans who grow up believing the "look at how perfect we are" hype. Adolf Hitler being a prime example of the dangers of belief in race-based supremacy. These films are despicable as they attempt to make the one true evil that must always be confronted by decent human beings seem pleasant.

I am what has been labeled as African American. I speak strongly against racism exhibited from any ethnic group, especially my own. I tell black associates and cousins that I won't standby and allow them to spew race-based hate, anytime they engage in it in my presence. If only everyone did the same versus pretending there is nothing to see here.

NO ONE TODAY is to blame for the ignorance portrayed in this and similar films. So let us please stop pretending there is something good about this and other "yessum" stereotype films. All I am offering is the truth and nothing more. It may be hard to accept, but the truth will set you free.

Individuals who fail to see the racism in this and similar films are living in "bliss."
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