Last Summer (2013)
It had potential
31 August 2018
The story and the characters were all very cohesive and well written. The plot was pretty solid, and the themes were noticeable.

However, all this said, the execution is a whole other story. While I understand the cinematography was trying to set a tone of despair and depression, it was rather boring and dragged on for too long. Many of the shots were utterly pointless and a waste of time. The acting was fine, but not really convincing.

The way it was edited and shot, made it seem like there was only 1 camera. The editing itself had its problems too, with cuts between people in conversations abrupt and ametuer-ish.

Also the movie has TONS OF EXPOSITION DUMPS through his voice overs. While voice overs done right are awesome, they can also fail spectacularly which is what happened here.

Honestly I don't understand how this movie has so many good reviews, no one in their right mind would give it above 4 stars.

Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but pretty damn atrocious.

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