Poseidon Rex (2013)
Poseidon Rex: 100% what you'd expect
31 August 2018
Going into a movie called Poseidon Rex you'll have naturally low expectations, and right here I assure you they're met!

It tells the story of a series of explosions that have awakened a dormant dinosaur, a "Poseidon Rex". Essentially it's a t-rex that can swim, and may I just begin by saying it looks ruddy awful.

Starring terrible movie veteran Brian Krause we see our big ugly cgi beasty going on a rampage and a rag tag of people forced to stop it right up until an incredibly bad cliched finale.

This is the kind of film that is constantly repeated on the Scyfy channel and why nobody takes that channel even remotely seriously anymore.

The acting is terrible, the sfx are cringe inducing and the plot is about as original a the average slasher movie.

True dire stuff.

The Good:


The Bad:

Awful cgi

Some laughable acting

Characters are stupidly unrealistic in their behaviour

Creatures size isn't consistent

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Seeing a dinosaur footprint in 2013 won't shock a person in the slightest

If you find an egg of an unknown large creature, maybe leave it there?!

Scientists are notorious for having beer in their labs fridge and drinking during experiments

The creators clearly could only get the license for one single song!
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