Gripping Revolutionary Tale!
2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit that I hadn't heard of this film until now. Being a fan of John Huston, I can't explain it. Besides, It's a good movie with crisp direction provided by Mr. Huston and a top notch cast headed by Jennifer Jones, John Garfield Pedro Armendariz and Gilbert Roland.

The time is the early 30s in Cuba where a corrupt police state government has been in power since 1925. Gatherings of more than four persons are considered treasonable. Peaceable China Valdes (Jones) works in an American Bank. Her brother is murdered by policeman Armando Ariente (Armendariz) for distributing anti-government leaflets. China sees the murderer and vows revenge.

China goes to her brother's revolutionary organization and is persuaded to join the movement as a means of exacting her revenge. It is there that she meets Cuban American Tony Fenner (Garfield) and the two become friends. China's home is located opposite a graveyard where many high ranking dignitaries are interred. Tony comes up with a plan to assassinate a high government official and blow up the mourners at his funeral thereby eliminating most of the corrupt government in one fell swoop.

A group of revolutionaries is assigned the task of tunneling under China's home to beneath the popular burial site. Headed by the Chief (Ramon Navarro) the group includes Guillermo (Roland), Miguel (Wally Cassell), Ramon (David Bond) ,Toto (Jose Perez), China and Fenner. The digging commences. All the while that this is going on, Chuna continues to work at the bank. One day Ariente comes in to investigate new depositers of which Fenner is one.. He becomes increasingly suspicious. He also takes an interest in China to the point of arriving at her home unannounced and making a move on her.

After weeks of excruciating labor, the tunnel is finished and a victim chosen. Unfortunately, the victim's family decides to bury him elsewhere rendering the group's tunnel useless. As the police are becoming increasingly suspicious, the group decides to escape in a boat owned by Guillermo's cousin. China cashes a check for Fenner but is followed back to her home by the police. Tony has not gone to the boat but had been waiting for China to return. The police close in and.......................................................................

The ending, which was changed from the original ending is a typical Hollywood feel good ending and spoils the whole thing, at least for me. Huston provides superb direction and it is therefore a puzzle to me as to why this film is not more widely known. The performances are excellent all round with Roland and Garfield standing out. And, you've got to see Jennifer Jones wielding a sub-machine gun at the film's climax.
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