Bible verse quoted twice
3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a lot of fun but ridiculous and predictable from the title. For a reason that only serves move along the plot, a lady Russian scientist is on the Seaview. Admiral Nelson and the Russian scientist enter a diving bell and descend to the ocean floor to investigate a damaged Russian science lab, which is also on the ocean floor. This happens to take place during a "massive whale migration," which per the writers means that the whales are in a frenzy as a migrate, and dangerous. Anyway, a sperm whale ala Moby Dick swallows the diving bell and both the scientist and Admiral Nelson are in the belly of the Beast.

While waiting forrescue, ,Admiral Nelson tries to encourage the Russian Scientist to hope for rescue by quoting Jonah 2:6 from The Bible, "I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God.(KJV)"

The Russian scientist isn't buying it and remains pessimistic about the chance of rescue. Admiral Nelson continues to encourage the skeptic by stating that Jonah must have been telling the truth because he was called "Jonah son of Amitia, which means truth." He continues saying that "He must have been pretty good at his job otherwise the Lord wouldn't have sent him to try to save the corrupt City of Niniva."

Admiral Nelson really knows his scripture!

The whale settles on the bottom of the ocean and falls asleep. Three divers from the seaview swim to the bottom of the ocean in only scuba gear - the writers must have forgotten that earlier in the same episode there was dialogue about the dangerous pressure at the bottom of the ocean and how they needed the diving bell to survive - anyway,... the three divers swim into the mouth of the sleeping whale and begin to wdd through muck and junk to get to the diving bell in the belly of the whale. All three divers get into the diving bell but not before attaching a cable to the top of the diving bell, which is attached to a big pulley inside the Seaview.

The whale begins to awaken at this point. The Seaview uses the pulley that yank the diving bell safely out from the stomach of the whale through its mouth, to safty. ( the whale was not injured) The whale swims off obviously having had enough of this nonsense and the diving bell gets back to Seaview safely.

In the epilogue, when everyone is safe other crew persons or questioning the Russian scientist about her experience. She slyly looks over at Admiral Nelson and quotes Jonah 2:6 and without actually winking, all but winks at Admiral Nelson. Question credits.
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