The Old Man and the Sea, made in Gaspé, Québec.
4 September 2018
A rare gem that is now part of Quebecor's Elephant project for Quebec-made movies.

Actor Paul Hebert plays the role of an old retired fisherman who is bored at home and takes walks to forget his loneliness despite that he is with his son's family home. One day, he founds an abandonned boat, and takes opportunity to make one last trip to the sea if he restores it.

Quite surprising for a movie which had no box-office success, but gives you the time to appreciate the late Paul Hebert's actor work as well as some other quality actors at the time (some are deceased today) which are doing cameos in many scenes during this slow, but well-done movie.

And some wonderful images of the Gaspé region, near "Baie des Chaleurs" in Eastern Quebec.

Worth the watch.
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