You can't choose your family
5 September 2018
The Enterprise is at the Montgomery Space Station for some maintenance after an inspection by some supercilious StarFleet technicians. But the crew gets a bit of R&R two of the senior staff have some issues.

Commander Riker has been given command of a vessel and none other than dear old dad Mitchell Ryan has come to give Jonathan Frakes his orders. These two have been estranged for years, apparently with the mother dying when Frakes was barely out of diapers. Ryan was a tough taskmaster as a father and Frakes has bitter childhood memories of being raised in Alaska by him.

Ryan has a more pleasant reunion with Dr. Pulaski. Apparently she and the senior Riker have some history. Diana Muldaur is keeping some secrets.

The other one with issues is Worf. Apparently he's due for some kind of Klingon ritual and there are no Klingons around to help. He's grumpier than usual. But it's Wil Wheaton who does some research into Klingon culture and arrives at a solution.

It's true you really can't choose your family. Michael Dorn misses his Klingon forbearers and Jonathan Frakes could have done without this family reunion though some air gets cleared.
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