Review of Guilty?

Guilty? (1956)
I wish British actors had spoken some of their lines in French.
5 September 2018
I saw this film this morning, 5th September 2018, on Talking Pictures which I often watch these days when there is garbage on most other tv channels. It was a long film and I found myself looking at the clock several times to check when it ended.One example of the producers casting British actors so us anglo saxons can understand the script, was " the vital French witness" played by Sidney Tafler who gave testimony just before the jury gave its verdict.Phony French accents were the order of the day when even ignorant French peasants spoke intelligible English.More intelligent producers later would provide English subtitles whenever a non English part was spoken on film, thus providing more verisimilitude, a classic case being Darryl F Zanuck's remarkable "The Longest Day"(1962) which had sequences in French & German.The film seemed long because, as a previous reviewer has said there were too many flashbacks in the Criminal Court sequences. when he played a RAF fighter pilot and I agree with the previous reviewer who wrote continual flashbacks broke the continuity of the scenes.The only previous film in which I had seen the leading man was in Leslie Howard's "The Gentle Sex" (1945) when he played a RAF fighter pilot.I even found myself thinking in schoolboy French what I would have said in their authentic language.The plot was rather contrived by the scriptwriter being merely adequate, henc emy rating of 6/10.
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