The Flying Nun: The Convent Gets the Business (1969)
Season 2, Episode 24
Dried up dry goods
5 September 2018
Convent San Tanco has been willed a run-down dry goods store. Meanwhile, Carlos' cousin Luis Ramirez (Alejandro Rey in a dual role) is costing the casino with his big ideas. When Sister Bertrille comes to Carlos for help in finding someone to run the store he arranges for Luis to be their man. His idea of giving away shopping bags and sewing kits that require an additional purchase backfires, as customers say they can buy it cheaper elsewhere. He advertises free delivery leaving Sister Bertrille to deliver for the store. When Luis still fails to show a profit Carlos fears Luis will return to the casino. A rival businessman Flavio Pedrosa (Ernest Sarracino) vehemently protests when his customers drop after Luis hangs a sign that reads "owned by Convent San Tanco". Senior Flavio makes Reverend Mother Placido reconsider the business arrangement.
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